1040 E. Herndon Avenue, Suite 205  |  Fresno, CA  93720


Import Photos

How to import photos

By default, when you tap on a photo label (ex: Front Photo) the NIIS mobile app will open the camera and allow you to take a photo directly in the app.

NOTE: When you take photos using this default method, the NIIS mobile app automatically saves a backup photo to your device’s photos app (it may appear in an album called “NIIS Inspections”). The only reason the app will not be saving backups is if you’ve denied the app permission to access your device photo gallery.

However, there is a way to import photos that you’ve taken with your device’s native camera app (or backup photos that have been saved to your device as noted above). To import photos from your device, go to the photos page of any order and tap on the settings icon at the top right corner. This will open the Photo Settings page and you can toggle on the “Import Photos” setting and close the settings page.

Now when you tap on a photo category, the app will open your photo gallery and allow you to import photos that already exist on your device.

Business Operations during the COVID-19 Pandemic

As COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to expand across the country, we want to communicate our commitment to business continuity, while at the same time ensuring the health and safety of our employees and inspectors, and the communities our clients call home.